Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hello, Kitties

waterfront cats seen in a warehouse full of sand on a dead-end street in Sunset Park.

and speaking of cats, this is the perfect time of year to remember all those animals in need...and make a donation to the New York Humane Society http://www.humanesocietyny.org/donations.shtml


  1. aw...
    it pains me to see stray animals. I think about them on the cold days and nights. argh.

    catching feral cats is not easy, either. I hope these guys are rescued (and fixed!) soon.

  2. Your photo brings back memories of our Sylvia. She was a feral cat most of her life and although she lived only 9 years (as far as I could tell) our backyard was strictly her domain.
    Since she has been gone it has become over run with squirrels and crickets, two pests she was expert at keeping at bay. I miss her for so many other more important reasons.
