Monday, February 15, 2010

happy presidents day.

driving around brooklyn this past month... I saw lots of valentine's this weekend got closer, I saw some signs of the upcoming chinese new year...but this window is the one and only nod I've seen to Presidents Day.

bay ridge parkway, bay ridge, brooklyn

click on images for more detail


  1. Well, I have never heard about "Presidents Day", so I have learned and seen something new!:-) Unique window!

  2. this is great! I wonder if a teacher lives there.
    I haven't been here since your sunset photo & I can't believe what I've missed. Nice work Miss B, your pictures are looking pretty fabulous.

  3. I came by from Lily's place on LI :)

    I used to live on Bay Ridge Parkway, back when it was OK to call it 75th Street

    great photos!!

  4. Hi Ms B
    I also came over from Lily's blog. I live in Brooklyn and I always enjoy looking at another Brooklynite's blog!

    I'm looking forward to following along whenever I can..thanks!


  5. I remember the good old days when we got both Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays off of school!
